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Control Flow in C

We still need some way of changing the behavior of the program based on the user input.
Posted 15 January 2020 at 1:26 PM
By Joseph Mellor

This is the ninth article in the Making Sense of C series. In this article, we're going to come up with ways to modify the behavior of the program at runtime.

So far, we've

Once we get to the projects and we have some actual example code, I'll stop listing everything we've covered up to this point. For now, I think it's important to keep all these ideas in your working memory so that once we get to the projects, you won't have to go back to the earlier articles and forget everything up to this point.

In the last article, we ended by saying that we need some way to tell if two strings have the same characters, which means we'll need the ability to do two things:

In this article, we're going to introduce these methods.

Topics Covered

Relational Operators

First, we're going to need some sort of way to evaluate whether or not a statement is true, so we're going to introduce a few operators to help us out. In a natural language (e.g. English), you can read these operators as

and they all use the syntax [expression 1] ▢ [expression 2], where represents any of the relational operators. a ▢ b returns 1 if a ▢ b and 0 otherwise.

For example:

I could keep going, but the general idea remains the same.

Logical Operators

What if you want to check two things? For example, what if you want to check if a number is between 4 and 20?

You can use the logical operators to check for multiple conditions. These operators represent the fundamental operators of boolean logic. Both && and || have the syntax [expression 1] ▢ [expression 1], but ! has the syntax ![expression]. All logical operators return 1 or 0 just like the relational operators.

Usually, you would use the logical operators with the relational operators. For example, say you want a username to be between 4 and 20 characters long. Assuming you have the length of the username stored in a variable called username_len, you could check if it was more than four characters using 4 < username_len and you could check if it was less than 20 characters long using 20 > username_len. To check if the username is both longer than four characters and less than twenty charachters, you would use the && operator like (4 < username_len) && (20 > username_len).

Conditional Branches

In C, 0 is interpreted as false and everything else is interpreted as true. C does not have dedicated boolean types built into the langauge, but all conditional branches and loops work under 0false. The logical and relational operators are mainly used with conditional branches and loops.

For example, let's go back to the username example in the Logical Operators section, where we figured out an expression that would help us get a username that was more than four characters and less than twenty. We'll go through three cases.

  1. We want to do stuff if the username is the right length.
  2. We want to do stuff if the username is the right length and different stuff otherwise.
  3. we want to tell the user that the username is too short if the username is too short, tell the user that the username is too long if the username is too long, and do valid username stuff if the username is the right length.

if and else

Since we need to come up with some keyword or symbol or something to tell the computer to do one thing if a condition is true and do something else if a condition is false. Well, since we used if and else in describing what we want the computer to do and since they're short keywords, let's just use if to indicate that we want to do something and else to indicate that we want to do something else.

Organizing Code in a Conditional Branch

A conditional branch has five parts:

We also need some way of separating these parts from the rest of the code. The grouping symbols we have are (){}[]. Since we already use [] for arrays, we can only use (){}. We'll put the condition we want to test in () and the code we want to execute in {}. If we have an else statement, we can put it after the code we want to execute.

Our generic conditional branch will look like:

// Other code

if (condition) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if condition is true
} else {                            // Optional
    // Do stuff you would want to do if condition is false

// Other code

Putting it Together

Here is how we would apply if statements to deal with the three cases to check the username.

if ((4 < username_len) && (20 > username_len)) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is valid

// Stuff to do regardless of whether the username is a valid length

if ((4 < username_len) && (20 > username_len)) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is valid
} else {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is invalid

// Stuff to do regardless of whether the username is a valid length


if (4 > username_len) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is too short
} else {
    if (20 < username_len) {
        // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is too long
    } else {
        // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is valid

// Stuff to do regardless of whether the username is a valid length

The third case is closest to something you would see in actual code, though the programmer might use a switch statement instead. Plus, the last case is kind of weird, so let's come up with the else if syntax to shorten everything.

if (4 > username_len) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is too short
} else if (20 < username_len) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is too long
} else {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the username is valid

// Stuff to do regardless of whether the username is a valid length

Just to be absolutely clear on what the computer will do when it sees this code, I'm going to list out all the steps the computer will take when it enters the if statement.

  1. Evaluate 4 > username_len.
  2. If 4 > username_len is true, then go to step 3, else go to step 5.
  3. Execute whatever is in the set of curly brackets after the if (4 > username_len).
  4. Go to step 10.
  5. Evaluate 20 < username_len.
  6. If 20 < username_len is true, then go step 6, else go to step 8.
  7. Execute whatever code is in the set of curly brackets after the if (20 < username_len).
  8. Go to step 10.
  9. Execute whatever is in the curly brackets after the else.
  10. Execute the code after the if-else statements.
Using == Instead of =

In general, you should not put variables on the left of the == operator because it's common to accidentally type = instead, which leads to valid C code that acts differently from what you expected, which is what causes most bugs and security exploits. If you want to test if a variable equals an expression, [variable] == [expression] will return a 1 if [variable] equals [expression] and a 0 if [variable] does not equal [expression].

On the other hand, [variable] = [expression] will return [expression]. Since only 0 is considered false, what you're actually testing is [expression] != 0.

If you do [expression] == [variable], however, it functions exactly like [variable] == [expression], but now if you forget the second =, the compiler will catch the error because you cannot assign an expression to another expression.

In code it would look like:

int a = 6;

// This form is bad because you can forget one of the equal signs, but it works
// exactly as expected.
if (a == 5) {
    // do stuff

// This is what the typo would look like. a = 5 will always return 5, which will
// always be interpreted as true, so the stuff inside the if statement will
// always run regardless of whether a equals 5 or not
if (a = 5) {
    // do stuff

// This functions exactly like you would expect it to
if (5 == a) {
    // do stuff

// This doesn't compile because you can't assign anything to an rvalue
if (5 = a) {
    // do stuff

In general, you should try to code in such a way that if you make a mistake, the compiler will catch it before it can even run.

Using a Simple if in Our Code

Now that we have a way for us to check if some condition is true, we can check if two words match. For example, let's say that our word is "the" and we only want a match if the characters are the same case (It makes our code easier.). To check if two words match, we have to check if the individual characters match. Remember that we can access individual chars in an array using the syntax array[offset], we can check if two characters match by comparing them using a == b, and we can check if every character matches using the syntax cond1 && cond2.

Putting it all together, we get

// Assume we store the word we want to compare in the variable word, which is an
// array of more than four characters for now

// This if statement can go on multiple lines
if (('t' == word[0]) &&
    ('h' == word[1]) &&
    ('e' == word[2]) &&
    ('\0' == word[3]) {         // Forgetting to check for the null character
                                // means you'll also match words like "these"
                                // and "there"
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the word matches

Of course, this code has a ton of problems:

We should be able to handle pretty much any word of any length without writing the word directly in the source code. In this case, we will have to introduce a loop.


Loops are pretty straightforward. While some condition is true, it will run through the code in the block, jump back to the top of the block, and then keep executing the code in the block again. We have two types of looping: unindexed and indexed. To check if two strings match, we need to check if each individual character matches including the null character ('\0') and we should stop once we see the null character. Since we don't know how long the string will be beforehand, we should use unindexed looping.

Unindexed Looping

There are two types of unindexed loops: while loops and do-while loops. A while loop is the simplest, and it has a similar syntax to an if statement.

while (condition) {
    // Stuff to do while the condition is true

While condition is true, the loop will execute all the code inside the curly braces, then jump back to the top of the curly braces, check the condition, then repeat until condition is false.

For example, let's go back to the username_len example. We never specified how we would calculate it because we didn't have the tools to calculate it properly. Now that we have a while loop, we can using this code (assume that the username is stored in the variable username and that username is a char array):

unsigned short username_len = 0;    // Using a short since I don't expect a
                                    // username longer than 64000 characters

while (username[username_len]) {
    username_len += 1;

// username_len now has the number of characters in the username.

A few things to note here:

Let's say for a moment that our username is "jpm". The value in username is { 'j', 'p', 'm', '\0' } . The code above will execute these exact steps:

  1. Get some memory for username_len.
  2. Set it equal to zero.
  3. Enter while loop.
  4. First iteration of while loop.
    1. Check if the character at username + 0 ('j') is 0.
    2. Since 'j' is not 0, we move into the block.
    3. Add one to username_len.
    4. Since we reached the end of the block, we jump back up to the top of the block.
  5. Second iteration of while loop.
    1. Check if the character at username + 1 ('p') is 0.
    2. Since 'p' is not 0, we move into the block.
    3. Add one to username_len.
    4. Since we reached the end of the block, we jump back up to the top of the block.
  6. Third iteration of while loop.
    1. Check if the character at username + 2 ('m') is 0.
    2. Since 'm' is not 0, we move into the block.
    3. Add one to username_len.
    4. Since we reached the end of the block, we jump back up to the top of the block.
  7. Fourth iteration of while loop.
    1. Check if the character at username + 3 ('\0') is 0.
    2. Since '\0' is 0, we exit the while loop.
  8. username_len now has the value 3, which is the number of characters in the string.

We can also use a modification of a while loop known as a do-while loop.

do {
    // Stuff to do while the condition is true
} while (condition);

The only difference between a do-while loop and a while loop is that a do-while loop will check the condition after running the code in the block.

If we had used a do-while loop for figuring out the length of the username, the computer would execute the steps in this order:

  1. Get some memory for username_len.
  2. Set it equal to zero.
  3. Enter while loop.
  4. First iteration of while loop.
    1. Add one to username_len.
    2. Check if the character at username + 1 ('p') is 0.
    3. Since 'p' is not 0, we jump back to the top of the block.
  5. Second iteration of while loop.
    1. Add one to username_len.
    2. Check if the character at username + 2 ('m') is 0.
    3. Since 'm' is not 0, we jump back to the top of the block.
  6. Third iteration of while loop.
    1. Add one to username_len.
    2. Check if the character at username + 3 ('\0') is 0.
    3. Since '\0' is 0, we exit the while loop.
  7. username_len now has the value 3, which is the number of characters in the string.

If you're wondering why we used a while loop instead of a do-while loop for finding out the length of the username even though they produces similar results, notice that since username_len += 1; always runs before the condition is checked, username_len will always be greater than 1, even if you pass in the empty string "", which should have a username_len of 0.

Indexed Looping

Since we're covering control flow in this article, we should cover the other type of looping in C: for loops. We'll have a use for them later, but for now, I'm just going to talk about them and bring them up later. If you can figure out the range of values, you should use a for loop, which has the syntax:

for (initialization; condition; the next step) {
    // do stuff

First, initialization will run before anything else in the loop runs. Then, the loop starts. For every iteration of the loop, it will go to the next iteration of the loop if condition to check is true, then it will do whatever is between the curly braces, then it will do the next step, then it will move to the next iteration of the loop.

For example, let's say we want to calculate 12+22+32+…+1002. Since we know where to start (1), where to end (100), and the step between each number (1), we should use a for loop.

int sum_of_squares = 0;

for (int i = 1; 100 >= i; i++) {   // i is only visible inside the for loop
    sum_of_squares += i * i;

// sum_of_squares now contains 338 350, which is the sum of the first 100 square
// numbers.


int sum_of_squares = 0;

for (int i = 17; 1001 >= i; i += 2) {
    sum_of_squares += i * i;

// sum_of_squares now contains the number 167 667 821, which is the sum of odd
// square numbers between 17 and 1001 inclusive

When to Use for and When to Use while?

To be clear, you can convert any for loop into a while loop easily.

for (initialization; condition; next_step) {
    // do stuff

// is almost exactly (I have to explain scope for you to understand the
// difference.) equivalent to


while (condition) {
    // do stuff

In general, I use a for loop when I know the range and the step I want to iterate over and a while loop when I don't know the range. As an example, I will use a for loop when you want me to read from the seventeenth element of a list until the thirtieth and I will use a while loop when I want to start reading at the seventeenth element and continue reading until I reach a specified element. Since strings end once we reach the null terminator, I will generally use a while loop to read strings and a for loop otherwise.


Invariants are simply things that remain constant between iterations of a loop. For loops, it's better for performance and intelligibility to pull invariants out of the loop body and store them before you get to the loop.


int total_sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; 100 >= i; i++) {
    int sum_of_squares = 0;
    for (int j = 0; 100 >= j; j++) {
        sum_of_squares += j * j;
    total_sum += i * sum_of_squares;

// Since sum_of_squares will not change, between iteratrions, we can pull it out
// of the for loop so the program doesn't have to waste time recomputing it.
// It also improves readability since it separates the code into two different
// parts.

// TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATIONS: 10,100 multiplications and 10,100 additions


int total_sum = 0;

for (int i = 1; 100 >= i; i++) {
    total_sum += i;

int sum_of_squares = 0;

for (int i = 1; 100 >= i; i++) {
    sum_of_squares += i * i;

total_sum *= sum_of_squares;

// a * b + a * c is the same as a * (b + c) and it saves you some
// multiplications.

// TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATIONS: 101 multiplications and 200 additions

Note about the code above: In practice, it would probably be best to either calculate the value of total sum using a calculator and just set int total_sum = 1708667500; or use the various formulas. Doing so will guarantee that your compiler can optimize the code out.

Using Loops in Our Program

Now that we can loop through all the characters in a word and we can check for certain conditions, we should be able to check if two words are the same easily.

For now, we're going to consider "the" and "The" different words because the 't' and the 'T' are different characters in ASCII, but we'll introduce a way to deal with it later.

You should try to come up with a way to check if two words are the same using what you've learned in this article before going further. Remember that you must read characters from both words until you've found a character that doesn't match or until you've read to the end of the word which is denoted with the null terminator, '\0'. Two characters match only if you reach the null terminator for both strings without finding a mismatch.

Don't worry if you come up with an inefficient or incomplete way. As long as you come up with something to work from, you're fine. If it's inefficient, you can figure out why it's inefficient, and if it's incomplete, you can figure out why it's incomplete. Once you want to see the answer, hover over the program below.

Assuming the strings are properly formatted, I would write the following code:

int i = 0;

while (str1[i] && str2[i] && (str1[i] == str2[i])) {
    i += 1;

if (str1[i] == str2[i]) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the two strings match
} else {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the two strings don't match

Let's break this down. First, we get ourselves an integral index named i since i represents an index in mathematics. We might be able to get away with an unsigned short instead of an int, but an optimization like that isn't going to do much for us, so we're sticking with an int.

Then, we enter the while loop. We have three conditions joined with &&s: str1[i], str2[i], and str1[i] == str2[i]. The first two conditions check if either str has reached the null terminator, since '\0' is 0, 0 is false, and false && anything_elsefalse. In other wordss, str1[i] && str2[1] make sure that we're only performing an iteration of the while loop if both strings still have characters we need to check. The other condition, str1[i] == str2[i] checks if the two characters at the same position match. If they don't match, then we don't need to check any more characters since the strings don't match, so we can exit the while loop. The line i += 1 adds one to i, effectively moving us to the next character in both strings.

Lastly, we leave the while loop, enter the if statement, and check if the characters we stopped on are equal. If they aren't equal, we would have left the while loop without changing i because str1[i] == str2[i] was false, meaning that str1[i] and str2[i] are still different characters and the condition str1[i] == str2[i] is still false when it's evaluated in the if statement. If either str1[i] or str2[i] is '\0', we'll also exit the while loop, at which point the only way the two strings are equal is if both str1[i] and str2[i] are '\0'.

You could have also done

int i = 0;

while (('\0' != str1[i]) && ('\0' != str2[i]) && (str1[i] == str2[i])) {
    i += 1;

if (str1[i] == str2[i]) {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the two strings match
} else {
    // Do stuff you would want to do if the two strings don't match

since while (a) and while (0 != a) are the same thing.


We've made quite a lot of progress thoughtout this series. We went from coming up with a vague idea of stuff we should have in our language to coming up with a consistent format for the file itself, creating some syntax for comments and arithmetic, declaring and setting variables of different types, using variables, accessing memory and memory addresses, handling arrays, and representing strings of text. In this article, we introduced several new operators (the Relational and Logical operators) and a few keywords (if, else, while, do, and for) that will help us control the flow of the program.

What's Next

Now that we have a way to test if two strings are equal, we still need to be able to read from a file and print the count to the screen. Since we're putting ourselves in the shoes of Ritchie et al, we need to come up ways for programmers to do both. We don't want programmers to copy and paste chunks of code into their program because it makes it harder for them to find their code and because it means that if we have any bugs in our code or features we want to add to our code, programmers have to go to each pasted block of code and update every block of code. There could also be an efficiency cost, but it's situation specific. We should have exactly one block of code so that we can fix or upgrade it exactly once for every feature or bug.

In the next article, we'll introduce Functions in C, which will allow us to reuse code without copying it.

A picture of Joseph Mellor, the author.

Joseph Mellor is a Senior at TU majoring in Physics, Computer Science, and Math. He is also the chief editor of the website and the author of the tumd markdown compiler. If you want to see more of his work, check out his personal website.
Credit to Allison Pennybaker for the picture.