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Files in C, Pt. 2

Now that we can open files in our program, let's interact with them.
Posted 15 January 2020 at 1:26 PM
By Joseph Mellor

This is the fifteenth article in the Making Sense of C series. In this article, we're going to finish our discussion of basic file interaction by introducing a way to print things out to the terminal and to read a file word by word using format strings.

Review of Special Characters

I suggest you go back to the article on Strings in C and look at the escape characters section because we're going to use them in this article.

I/O Without Format Strings

As you can imagine, at this point we can easily introduce the functionality to do things like "read a line from a file" and "print characters out to a file". For reading a line from a file, we just need to come up with a function that takes in the FILE * of the file we want to read, some output buffer to store it, and the number of characters we want to read (since we need to make sure that we can actually hold the file in memory). It might also be useful to return a char * that points to the output buffer if it works, and NULL if it doesn't. Likewise, printing characters out to a file requires us to specify the buffer we want to print to the file and the FILE * of the file we want to write to.

fgets and fputs

These functions also exist in the standard library, and they're known as fgets (file get string) and fputs (file put string). They have the syntax

char * fgets(const char * str, int count, FILE * file_reader);
int fputs(const char * str, FILE * file_writer);

fputs returns an int, but different implementations do different things. In all implementations, returning a non-negative number means that your program successfully wrote to the file. If it can't write to the file, then fputs will return a constant known as EOF for (End Of File), which you can test for in an if statement.

An example usage of a simple program that copies up to 1024 characters from the first line of a file to the end of another would look like

#include <stdio.h>

int copy_first_line(FILE * source, FILE * dest);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    if (3 > argc) {
        return -1;

    char * source_file_name = argv[1];
    char * dest_file_name = argv[2];

    FILE * source = fopen(source_file_name, "r");
    FILE * dest = fopen(dest_file_name, "a");

    int errno = copy_first_line(source, dest);

    return errno;

int copy_first_line(FILE * source, FILE * dest) {
    if (NULL == source || NULL == dest) {
        return -1;
    const int buff_sz = 1024;
    char buffer[buff_sz];
    if (NULL == fgets(buffer, buff_sz, source)) {
        return -1;
    if (EOF == fputs(buffer, dest)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;

I put the code for actually copying from one file to the other file in its own function so that I don't have to close the files if I get an error in opening, reading, or writing to a file. I could probably make the code above a little cleaner by moving the code from lines 13 to 19 into their own function and returning errno from the new function, but it would be diminishing returns. At least to me, main should handle getting user input from the command line and calling the functions that drive the program and nothing else, though you can make a lot of exceptions.

Since we haven't yet covered how we can implement error messages, I just close the files and exit the program with a -1 to indicate something going wrong. Later, we can use the return value from main to figure out what went wrong. There are some specific error numbers reserved in C that we can use in the standard library, but we aren't going to worry about them for now.

The Terminal as a File

In Unix (and later Linux and Mac OS), everything is a file (descriptor), though most people leave off the (descriptor) part. In particular, this means that things like printers, the terminal, network connections, etc. can be represented with FILE * objects. Up to this point, I've been using names like file_reader and file_writer for the FILE * parameters in the standard library functions, but the documentation for C uses the more general parameter name of stream

char * fgets(const char * str, int count, FILE * stream);
int fputs(const char * str, FILE * stream);

since you could be taking in a file as an input or a network connection or anything else (there are better functions to use than these, though). Since the terminal is also a FILE * object, we should be able to pass it into our file manipulation functions. In C, we have three preexisting FILE * objects:

You don't need to open or close them since the operating system itself will take care of them for you.

As an example, I modified the main function so that it prompts you for the text that you want to add to the file:

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    if (2 > argc) {
        // \n is the newline character
        fputs("Not enough arguments provided.\n", stderr);
        // \t is a tab character
        fputs("usage:\t", stderr):
        fputs(argv[0], stderr);
        fputs(" output_file\n", stderr);
        return -1;

    char * dest_file_name = argv[1];
    FILE * dest = fopen(dest_file_name, "a");

    // \" is the double quote character and we need to use it because just
    // a " would end the string.
    fputs("What line do you want to add to \"", stdout);
    fputs(dest_file_name, stdout);
    fputs("\"?\n", stdout);
    int errno = copy_first_line(stdin, dest);

    return errno;

First, now that I can print things out to the terminal (specifically stderr), I added a few lines above to tell the user that he or she provided too few arguments to the program and print out the proper usage (printing out the usage is standard if the command line input isn't formatted correctly). Also, since we only expect to have two arguments (the name of the program and the file we're adding to), we changed the first highlighted line to check if there are at least two arguments. We're no longer using a source file, I just removed all the lines involving it. I also replaced source with stdin in the call to copy_first_line. Then, I added a few lines to print out a line to stdout asking the user what line he or she wanted to add to the file.


Using stdin will pause your program and allow the user to type something into the terminal. The program will remain paused until the user hits Enter. Until then, it's just like typing something into a form or a login screen where you can hit backspace to remove characters. In IDEs that close the terminal window immediately after the program finishes, some users will add a read from stdin to pause the program so they can see the output.

I/O With Format Strings

If you look back at the example program, you'll notice that I had to break one line in the output into multiple calls to fputs because I needed to tell it to print out everything before the name of the file, then the name of the file, then everything after the name of the file. It would be nice to be able to write one line of code to print out the message, so we're going to invent something called a format string.

A format string is a sequence of chars (just like a regular string) that the computer will read as instructions on what to print out. For example, we want to print out "What line do you want to add to "dest_file_name"?".

Escape Sequences in Format Strings

We should be able to have something like an escape character in our format strings that tells the computer to stop printing out the characters in the string, get something different to print out, then continue printing out the rest of the characters in the string. We've already reserved the '\' character for the normal escape character for things like newlines and tabs, so we need something else. For C, Ritchie decided to use the % sign again, probably because it has only been used up to this point for the remainder operation and everything else on a keyboard (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.) is already in use.

In our case, we want to tell the program to print out the normal series of characters, then print out a different string, then print out the rest of the characters. Since we're printing out a string, let's use %s to tell the computer to print out a string. Our format string should then use

"What line do you want to add to \"%s\"?"

We'll also need to tell the computer which information to print out.

printf and fprintf

We'll make a new function called printf (print format string)

int printf(const char * format_string, ...);

which will print data out to the terminal.

Variadic Functions

Variadic Functions are functions that can have a variable number of arguments. You can say that the first few arguments needs to have a specific format, such as in printf having a const char * format_string as its first argument, then say the rest of the arguments can be whatever. In our case, whenever printf hits one of our escape sequences (%s), it needs to know what it should print out. After the format_string argument, the rest of the arguments are what it should print out in order. For example:

printf("%s %s %s %s.", "This", "is", "a", "test");

will print out

This is a test.

As a more realisitic example, let's say that we want to print out a word and how many times it shows up in a text file. In this case, for each word, we would want to print out the word, a space or a colon, and then the number of times it shows up in the text. Using a format string and assuming that word is a char * and count is an unsigned int (we can't have a negative count), we can use

printf("%s: %u\n", word, count);    // %u is for an unsigned int

which tells the computer to print word, then a colon, then a space, then print count, then print a newline.

In our example program, we can replace our three fputs lines with

printf("What line do you want to add to \"%s\"?\n", dest_file_name);

If, instead, we want to print to a file, we can use fprintf, which has the syntax

int fprintf(FILE * stream, const char * format, ...);

where the only difference between fprintf and printf is that you have to specify the FILE * first for fprintf while printf prints to stdout. You could replace every printf in your program with an fprintf with its first argument being stdout and see no difference in your program. For example, we could have written our printf above using fprintf using

fprintf(stdout, "What line do you want to add to \"%s\"?\n", dest_file_name);

Later, we'll extend the format strings to include things like restricting the number of characters we read.

General Naming Conventions of stdio.h Functions

As you can see by the printf vs fprintf example, above, a lot of the standard library functions will do similar things but with slightly different arguments. We're going to go through most of them.

The Four Base Functions

In C, we have four base operations for I/O:

The Source and Destination Prefixes

By default, the four base functions interact with the terminal. To change the source for get and scanf and to change the destination for put and printf, we add a letter or two to the front of the name.

Note that sget would essentially just copy data that's already in your program, so there are no sget functions. I'm also skipping the v prefix since it's a more advanced feature that I have never used.

We're done with the two format string functions, printf and scanf, so let's show you the syntax for all the derived functions:

// Write to file
int fprintf(FILE * stream, const char * format, ...);

// Read from file
int fscanf(FILE * stream, const char * format, ...);

// Print to terminal
int printf(const char * format, ...);

// Read from terminal
int scanf(const char * format, ...);

// Write to an array of characters
int snprintf(char * string, size_t n, const char * format, ...);
int sprintf(char * string, const char * format, ...);

// Read from an array of characters
int sscanf(const char * string, const char * format, ...);

Format Suffixes

Since get and put don't have a format specifier but we would like to print different things and we've already added stuff to the beginning of the word for the input, we need to create new functions with stuff added to the end of the name.

As a quick disclaimer, I don't use the get and put functions that often since I can do everything with format strings and I don't need to remember as much. I won't go into the syntax here, but you can find the syntax for these functions on the c++ website (C++ contains all the standard library files of C and some more for its standard library, so there isn't as much of a reason to make another website.).


If you remember back in the article on Memory Addresses in C, I had a warning about how by allowing you to directly interact with memory, C introduces several security vulnerabilities that mainly consist of accessing memory outside of a buffer.

I ended the warning with:

As of right now, we neither have the capability to allow or prevent a malicious user from accessing memory outside of a buffer, so we'll save that for a later article.

Now, we have ways for users to change how our program behaves, so we need to prevent mailicious users from accessing memory outside of a buffer, which we can do with format string functions, fgets, etc. since we can specify the maximum number of characters we want to read. We can't, however, prevent malicious users from exploiting gets, which reads input from stdio. gets, however, doesn't specify the number of characters the user can input, meaning that a malicious user could use it to exploit our code and do something like launch a Denial of Service campaign that shut down the internet for a few days. The "Morris Worm", named after Robert Morris, was a white hat hacking attempt intended to highlight several security vulnerabilities in commonly used programs, including a buffer overflow based on gets.

For this reason, gets was deprecated before the first official C standard was released and removed entirely from the C standard library in a later release. Even then, if you somehow get a working program, your compiler will actually contain another warning saying that gets is dangerous and should not be used.

Reading From vs Writing to a Stream

Reading from streams is similar to writing from streams except that it's generally easier to write to a stream than read from a stream. For example, let's say that you want the program to print out the ID number of the student when they log in. In that case, assuming that the student ID is a base 10 number (has the digits zero to nine) and the value is stored in an unsigned int, then you can print it out using

printf("Student ID: %u\n", student_id);

Pretty straightforward, right? Likewise, if you want to print to a file, you can use fprintf and specify the stream as the first argument. On the other hand, let's say that you want to read a student ID number from a file. In that case, you could use

scanf("Enter your student ID: %u", &student_id);


If we were to use that format string, a user with ID number 1234567 would have to type "Enter your student ID: 1234567", not just "1234567". If you type anything else, scanf will just return 0 since it could fill zero arguments. Instead, you should use something like

printf("Enter your student ID: ");
while (1 != scanf("%u", &student_id) {
    printf("Enter your student ID: ");

Except that won't actually work because you need to use scanf again to clean up stdin because scanf won't remove anything it can't convert, so whatever you type in will still be in stdin waiting to be read. Your computer will essentially go through this process:

  1. Standard input is empty, so I'm going to let the user type in input.
  2. Standard input now has input, so I'm going to read the input.
  3. Can I convert the input to an unsigned integer?
  4. No, so I'm not going to remove it from standard input.
  5. Print out "Enter your student ID: ".
  6. Go back to the top of the while loop
  7. Standard input is NOT empty, so I'm going to read the input.
  8. Can I convert the input to an unsigned integer?
  9. No, so I'm not going to remove it from standard input.

The correct way to do it is to clear out standard input if the input is invalid.

printf("Enter your student ID: ");
while (1 != scanf("%u", &student_id) {
    scanf("%*[^\n]");       // Remove anything in stdin that isn't a newline.
    printf("Enter your student ID: ");

In short, scanf can only read characters in the exact format you give it. I tried to write the word counter with scanf, and it didn't really work, so we're going to write our own simple parsing function. Later, we're going to try to incorporate an external library that will take care of most of this functionality for us. If you want an in depth criticism of the scanf functions, read the linked article.


Now, we've introduced the most common I/O functions and their uses. To recap, I'm going to describe them and their use cases.

These are the main functions that you will use for file I/O or terminal interaction. While you can certainly use other functions (besides gets because it's an abomination), I mainly use these functions in the order shown above.

What's Next

After this article, we now have all the tools we need to write the first of our goal programs: the word counter.

A picture of Joseph Mellor, the author.

Joseph Mellor is a Senior at TU majoring in Physics, Computer Science, and Math. He is also the chief editor of the website and the author of the tumd markdown compiler. If you want to see more of his work, check out his personal website.
Credit to Allison Pennybaker for the picture.