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How to Make a Command on Linux or Mac

What is your computer doing when you type a command in the terminal?
Posted Posted 3 September 2019 at 12:10 PM
By Joseph Mellor

Since both Linux and Mac are based off Unix, the methods in this tutorial will work for both. Since I'm not a Windows user anymore and I never used the command prompt on Windows, I cannot provide a good explanation of how to make a command on Windows, though it's similar to making a command on Linux and Mac.

Although the purpose of a computer is to automate tasks, programmers still have to do some tasks manually. For instance, to set up a C/C++ project on my computer, I would have to create a bunch of directories, copy a Makefile (it's a project file for C/C++) into the right directory, modify the Makefile to generate the specific program, etc. Doing so requires me to remember both the directories I need to create and where I stored the original Makefile. Furthermore, since I wrote the Makefile specifically for C++ projects, I have to change it for C projects. Lastly, if I mess up any of the steps above, I have to spend even more time to find the error. All in all, it's a waste of time and effort to go through this process to set up a project, especially since I have to follow the same exact steps for every project.

Since I was typing in the same bash commands over and over again, I decided to write a script that would execute the bash commands for me whenever I ran it. Since I wanted to be able to use the script from any directory, I decided to make the script into the Linux command, which I called minit.

In this article, I'm going to discuss what a command is, the basics of how the terminal processes commands, and how to make one yourself. I will use minit, as a guide. To run minit, you need to run ./install.sh so it can figure out where the specific files are and ensure it's not overwriting any other commands. To make minit a command, we don't necessarily need it to run properly, but if you do want it to run and use this tutorial, type ./install.sh tutorial into your terminal instead of ./install.sh. You can also remove the command by running ./uninstall.sh and then deleting the whole minit directory. I will assume that the minit.sh script is in the directory ~/dev/minit as if you ran git clone https://github.com/TheLandfill/minit while in the directory ~/dev.

What is a Command?

As with most topics involving computers, there is a distinction between what a command is to the user and what a command is to the computer.

To the user, commands are phrases you type into the terminal that allow you to interact with the computer.

Why Use a Terminal?

Before computers were powerful enough to use Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), which you would recognize as your desktop where you click icons to run programs or open windows, you had to use the terminal to do anything on your computer. While GUIs may be more intuitive for first time users, the terminal is much more powerful than a GUI because the terminal can automate processes the GUI can't.

For example, if I were to use a GUI to do what minit does, I would have to create a new directory with the project name, move to that directory, create bin, obj, src, and includes, copy the Makefile (whose location I would have to remember) into the bin directory and then go through the Makefile and change what I need to change to make it actually work.

With minit, I type minit project-name outfile-name and I'm done.

As another example, I went on a trip and took a ton of photos, but since I couldn't force everyone to wait for me to get all the settings exactly right to take the best possible picture, I took a bunch of pictures of the same object with different settings (stuff like exposure and white balance) in the hopes that at least one of them would be good. I ended up taking hundreds more pictures than I was going to use and I needed to get rid of them. I figured that if I could group together pictures that were taken around the same time, I would group together pictures of the same object, which would make it easier for me to get rid of the bad pictures.

Doing so manually would have required me to look at the file name (which is based on the time at which the picture was taken) and sort them into folders. Using a bash script, however, I was able to group each picture into its proper folder, which made finding bad pictures a lot easier.

If you have any experience with bash, you'll already know some standard commands, such as cd (change current directory), mv (move or rename files and directories), and cp (copy files). If you're a little more experienced, you might know about some more complex commands, such as sudo (gives a command temporary root/admin privileges) or python (runs the python interpreter). Because you can't do much in the terminal without these commands and they come on most terminals, people often assume that they're built in. While some commands are (cd is because it's directly related to the terminal), most are not.

To the computer, commands are executables in a specific directory, aliases, functions, or builtins. In this article, we'll discuss how to make an executable into a command, how to make an alias, and how to make a function into a command. In general, you won't be able to write a builtin and functions are usually best used for simple, frequently used commands that you couldn't use an alias for. You'll see an example of both a builtin and a function later, and we'll go into more detail about the specifics.

Quick Note on Aliases

You can make an alias out of almost anything you could type on the command line, but aliases have severe limits on what they can do. They also rely on builtins and other bash commands. We'll discuss how to create an alias later in the article. Since minit is too complex to be an alias, I had to use a script.

You can use the which command to see which executable the computer will run when you type in a command. Commands that are not executables (like cd) won't print out anything when you run which. Instead, you can use the type command to determine what a command is in the general case. Using type -a NAME will display all locations containing an executable named NAME including aliases, builtins, and functions. For example:

user@computer:~/dev$ which cd
user@computer:~/dev$ type -a cd
cd is a function
cd ()
    builtin cd "$@" && chpwd
cd is a shell builtin
user@computer:~/dev$ which mv
user@computer:~/dev$ which cp
user@computer:~/dev$ which sudo
user@computer:~/dev$ which python
Why is cd a Function?

I had to write a function that modified the behavior of cd slightly so that my prompt displays the current and parent directories, but it doesn't matter for the tutorial. On most computers, cd will be a shell builtin. Since the only way to write a shell builtin is to write or modify a shell, we aren't going to deal with that here. Since I use cd frequently, the actual function is simple (it calls the builtin cd and then runs another function if the builtin cd ran properly), and I need to call it instead of the builtin cd (see the command hierarchy I describe later in the article for more info), I had to make it a function. If you want more information on when to use a function, alias, or script to make a command, see this answer on StackOverflow.

Also, notice that it prints out both that cd is a function and cd is a shell builtin. In other words, multiple commands are named cd, but the computer will run just the first one when you type cd into the console.

Most of the other commands are actually executables in either /bin or /usr/bin/. You can run any executable in either of these directories from anywhere like a bash command. Other directories can also have commands, and these directories are listed in the PATH environment variable. To see the full list, type echo $PATH into your terminal.

user@computer:~/dev$ echo $PATH

You should see a list of directories separated by colons, as shown above. PATH contains plain text, which means altering it will require us to replace the old text with the new text.

Making an Executable

Before you can run an executable, you have to tell the system which users can run it by using the chmod command. The chmod command allows you to set who can read, write, and execute a file. In most cases, you can use chmod 755 exe, which will allow anyone to execute exe and allow the user to modify it. This article on chmod and the man page for chmod (which you can see by typing man chmod in the terminal) contain more information about the chmod command.

Absolute vs. Relative Paths

An absolute filepath starts from either your root directory, /, or your home directory, ~/. The ~/ is shorthand for /home/[username], where [username] is the username of the person currently logged in. A relative filepath starts from your current directory in the terminal and moves around to different directories. When making commands, they have to properly run in any directory, meaning your current directory is going to change, meaning any relative filepaths you use will be wrong. If you want to make use of a specific file or directory, then you must use an absolute path. For example, minit copies the Makefile in ~/dev/minit/ (or wherever you clone the project) into a different directory, so it needs an absolute path. minit needs to create new directories from your current location, so it uses relative paths.

Making a Command

Since any executable must be in one of the directories specified in PATH, we now have two ways to turn an executable into a command.

While both of these methods will work, we want to set up some criteria for determining the best method. As with most programming projects, we have to focus on user experience and ease of development. We'll use the standard bash commands as a guide for user experience and general development knowledge for development ease. The method we use to create a command should

Adding a Directory to the PATH Variable


Before you interact with anything related to the operating system or anything related to configurations, always make sure to back your data up. Modifying PATH doesn't severely modify your configuration, but you should still back your PATH variable up. In this case, make sure to record the value of PATH somewhere so you can revert it back to normal. You can use echo $PATH to print out PATH to the terminal. If you mess up and don't record the value of PATH, record its current value using echo $PATH, then run the command:

user@computer:~/dev$ export PATH="$(echo $PATH | sed "s/:[^:]*\/dev\/minit//g")"

This command will search your PATH variable for any string starting with a colon and ending with /dev/minit and remove it from PATH. If your command is in a different directory, replace \/dev\/minit with your path to the directory, making sure that you add a backslash before every slash.

Add the directory to your PATH variable using the syntax:

user@computer:~/dev$ export PATH=$PATH:~/dev/minit

It's that simple.

The export will mean that all that the current and all future terminal windows/bash sessions you create will also have PATH set, PATH= will set the PATH environment variable to everything that's after it, $PATH will expand out the contents of PATH (which include all the directories in PATH), and :~/dev/minit will be expanded to :/home/[username]/dev/minit (where [username] is the username of the current user) and then appended to the contents of PATH. Now, you can call every executable in the directory from anywhere. You will have to type the command every time you log into your computer unless you have some script that automatically runs when you login. Instead of making your own, though, add the command to the end of your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile file. It's one of the main scripts that runs when you login. Once again, DO NOT MODIFY IMPORTANT SYSTEM FILES OR VARIABLES WITHOUT MAKING SOME SORT OF A BACKUP.

Multiple Executables in a Directory

We wanted to create the minit command, but now every executable is a command. Some of these commands will not work, but could still lead to some unwanted behavior. Worse, if a file in the directory was executable even though it shouldn't be executable (such as a text file or a Makefile), you could end up running dangerous code.

Almost a Tragedy

I ran Makefile to see what would happen, and it interpreted as a bash script. Unfortunately for me, it had one interpretable bash command in it: rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/* $(PRODUCT) $(DEBUG_PRODUCT), which will remove all the intermediate files and all the executables the Makefile generates. When using make to interpret the Makefile, that command does what it's supposed to do. If you don't set any of the variables ($(OBJDIR), $(PRODUCT), and $(DEBUG_PRODUCT)) because you didn't use make, they will be empty, meaning I ran rm -rf ​ /*, which is almost the most dangerous command you can run on a Linux system. It's actually worse than deleting system32 on a Windows computer, because at least you still have your personal files. rm -rf /* will actually try to delete everything on your computer. Fortunately, it can't delete any files you would need root privileges to modify. Unfortunately, it can delete any files you can modify without root privileges, which mainly includes your personal files. I didn't lose anything because it didn't have any root privileges and it hadn't reached anything important before I killed it using Ctrl-c. You won't be able to execute the Makefile for this reason.

Now, you could move the script into a different directory, and add that directory to the PATH, and you would have one executable. In practice, having your executable in a different directory could lead to some problems or at least annoyances, as it might disrupt the organization of your project. In a C/C++ project, I would have to change directories every time I wanted to rebuild the project and execute the command, which doesn't sound like a lot until you have to find an error by hand because your debugger isn't working properly or you want to make some slight changes to make sure everything is working properly. Furthermore, I generally have a release and a debug version of a C/C++ program, which means the debug command will also be a command unless I rearrange the build system around it.

This issue isn't as big a deal as having more executables than you wanted, but it's still a potential issue. When you type in a command to the terminal, the computer will look through all the commands in a specified order. On my terminal (Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa with bash 4.4.19), the order seems to be

  1. user-defined functions
  2. builtin functions
  3. executables in the first directory in PATH
  4. executables in the second directory in PATH
  5. ...
  6. executables in the last directory in PATH

Adding a directory or two won't hurt, but adding a lot of them could mean it takes a little bit longer for your commands to execute. A computer will still be quick enough that you wouldn't notice a difference except in some extreme circumstances. You will need to edit the PATH variable whenever you want to remove a command, which means going into your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile and finding the specific directory you added and removing it, then using the method above in the WARNING aside to remove it from the current PATH variable.

Name Clash

You saw earlier that type -a listed the function I wrote for cd before the builtin cd, but let's do a little experiment. We're going to create two empty executables in two different directories specified in PATH, and we'll see which one the computer will run. To prevent anything bad from happening, we're going to come up with an unused command name. I'm going to use hello-world, since it's not a command on my system. To test if the command isn't on your system, use type hello-world, which should say something like "not found" or "does not exist". I'm going to pick /usr/games and /usr/local/games since they don't contain anything important (one is empty and the other one contains espdiff, which I'll let you figure out). We're going to use the touch command, which creates an empty file if the file doesn't exist and does nothing if the file already exists.

user@computer:~/dev$ type hello-world
bash: type: hello-world: not found
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo touch /usr/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo touch /usr/local/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ type -a hello-world
hello-world is /usr/games/hello-world
hello-world is /usr/local/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ which hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo rm /usr/games/hello-world
user@computer:~/dev$ sudo rm /usr/local/games/hello-world

Notice that /usr/games/hello-world shows up before /usr/local/games/hello-world and that which returns /usr/games/hello-world. This experiment shows several things:

I don't think this issue will come up too often, but I can think of a much more common name clash. You'll notice that I called one of the executables in minit called install.sh. In the context of the minit directory, install.sh makes perfect sense. In the general context of the entire file system, it doesn't. If you have another code base with its own install.sh executable, you could end up running a different install.sh, which, like the Makefile command earlier, could harm your computer.

Extensions on Names

Commands with extensions (.sh, .py, etc.) will keep their extensions if you make them commands using this method. While you could remove the extension, you shouldn't. You can no longer search for the script based on its extension and you would have to open the file to determine the language of script.

Moving or Copying the Executable into One of the Directories in PATH

Either cp or mv will work. Since they have the same exact syntax, I'll use cp. If you've run ./install.sh tutorial, then the script should still work.

user@computer:~/dev$ sudo cp minit/minit.sh /usr/local/bin/

This solution is much better than adding your whole directory to PATH, as you don't get unwanted executables, there are fewer directories to search, and you don't have to worry about name clashes. In fact, if you're just distributing the executable to users who don't care about the source code, you can just give them the executable and move it into a directory in PATH. Since the user no longer cares about the details of the executable, the extenstion doesn't matter nearly as much.

If you do care about the source code and your executable is part of the source code, this solution introduces some new problems.

Scattered Build System

You could restructure your build system to have the executable in one of the PATH directories, but then you have a major organizational problem. Your code is now spread into multiple directories. How would you share the code with someone else? You would have to log all the files manually, assemble them, and send them over with instructions on where to put the executables. You also couldn't use git or most other version control systems, as most VCSs require the project to be inside the same directory. In general, poor organization at any level of a software project could lead to technical debt, which can kill your project if you don't pay it off.

Manual Updates

If you decide to keep the executable as part of a separate project, then you will have to recopy or replace the executable whenever or someone else updates the code. You might also need to use sudo if you're using an important directory, like /usr/local/bin.

Other than manual updates, this solution is almost optimal. It keeps everything organized, the executables you want to be commands will be commands, the executables you don't want to be commands won't be commands, no name clashes, and PATH doesn't fill up with a bunch of minor directories. You still have to manually update the executable in PATH.

Duplicate Files

If you decide to copy the file into PATH, you'll end up wasting memory, but you will be able to rename your command to whatever you want.

Accidental Overwrite

If you're not careful, you could end up overwriting a file that already exists. Before making a command, running type on the command will make sure it doesn't exist.

A Better Way?

As you can see, none of the methods above will satisfy all the criteria I suggested. Unfortunately, there is no way to make an executable a command unless the executable is in one of the directories in PATH. Reviewing the problems with the proposed solutions and the criteria, we can come up with our ideal solution:

Most operating systems (including Linux, Mac, and Windows) have a built in filetype that will allow us to satisfy all the criteria for a command, which is known as a symbolic link or "symlink" for short. Symlinks consist of a file or directory name, some metadata (e.g. the time the link was last modified), and that's it. Most symlinks take up less than one hundred bytes, while executables can often take up orders of magnitude more space. Since symlinks are separate files, they don't have to share the same name, meaning the symlink can leave the extension off while the executable can keep it on. Symlinks also won't affect anything in the code base since they're not part of it. And since symlinks contain just a filepath and metadata, you only need to update a symlink if you move the linked executable. To create our symlink for this command, use

user@computer:~/dev$ sudo ln -s ~/dev/minit/minit.sh /usr/local/bin/minit

Note that we used an absolute path and not a relative path since we want to run the command from everywhere. You can also have a symlink with a relative path as long as the relative link always points to the same file or directory.

Now, you can still add directories to your PATH, like if you wanted to have a directory filled with your commands so you didn't mix them in with any other commands. For example, I made /usr/nonlocal/physics/ for my physics programs on an older computer. If you did, you would treat it like I have treated /usr/local/bin/, where you store the symlinks in your personal command directory.

What if I Don't Need an Entire Executable?

Often, you won't need an entire executable for a simple command. I generally use the command line text editor vim, and, while I do like it, it has some weird quirks compared to modern text editors. When you open multiple files at once with vim, it will open them like an old Unix terminal: you have to cycle through them and there's one open at a time. vim can open them in tabs (like a modern text editor) if you use vim -p on the command line. Since I strongly prefer using tabs as opposed to the old Unix style, I wanted to make a command that would work as if I had typed vim -p. If I were to write a bash script, it would have one line of code. In this case, I would use an alias.

Aliases have an easy syntax.

alias vip="vim -p"

This line will create a command called vip that will run vim -p whenever you call it. Since I want it to stay across login sessions, I needed to put it in one of those scripts that run when you login or create a new terminal. On my computer, my ~/.bashrc would run all the commands in the file ~/.bash_aliases if it existed, so I created the ~/.bash_aliases and put the alias in there and it worked as expected.

You can also use a function by writing a function in bash and putting it in one of the scripts that run when you login or create a new terminal.

What About Package Managers Like apt for Ubuntu and brew for Mac?

In this tutorial, I haven't actually told you how to distribute executables. For minit, I just used a github repository from which you could download the necessary executables and files because it's just a few short scripts. To install most programs in something like Ubuntu (which I'm focusing on since it's one of the largest Linux distros), however, you would go through the package manager, apt, like so:

user@computer:~/dev$ sudo apt install [executable]

If you aren't using Ubuntu, search for [distro] package manager online (where [distro] is your Linux distro) and replace apt in the command above with your package manager.

On a Mac, you would use brew (if you don't have brew set up, follow the instructions on setting up brew for Mac) like so:

user@computer:~/dev$ brew install [executable]

Furthermore, there are sometimes package managers specific to languages, such as pip for python and npm for javascript.

Package managers are out of the scope of this article, but the general process for having your package manager recognize and install your software is to either send the source code for the software to the people in charge of the package manager with a request for them to include it in one of their repositories or to tell people who want to install your software to add your specific repository to their lists of repositories for the password manager to check.

To be clear, the people in charge of the package manager differ in how they want you to send them your software, which is why I can't explain more in this long article. To start you off, though, someone already asked how to get software into Ubuntu on StackExchange, the people behind brew wrote their own documentation on how to add a package to brew, someone already wrote a guide on how to add a package to pip, and npm has their own documentation for adding a package. For any other package manager, you'll have to look up how to add a package to the specific package manager.


A picture of Joseph Mellor, the author.

Joseph Mellor is a Senior at TU majoring in Physics, Computer Science, and Math. He is also the chief editor of the website and the author of the tumd markdown compiler. If you want to see more of his work, check out his personal website.
Credit to Allison Pennybaker for the picture.